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Christmas in July: Why Charity Should be a Year-Round Initiative

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Christmas in July has been a trend among sales teams and companies looking for a mid-year revenue bump for years now.  But we invite you to think of Christmas in July differently.  Let us tell you why we feel you and your company or team should think of Christmas in July more outwardly - from a philanthropic perspective.  

While giving money and donating time and goods are often associated with the holidays, charities and other philanthropic organizations need support year-round. To maximize the impact of your giving efforts and help those who need it most, businesses should consider making charity an all-year-long initiative.

When you embrace charitable giving throughout the year, you have an opportunity to see your company’s values in action. This doesn’t just feel good – it can make a major difference to both your bottom line and people in the community. In the long run, a vibrant community means a stronger business.

With some insight from Eric Bates, we share some ways that year-round giving can positively impact the community.

Let’s consider some of the biggest reasons to make time for charity all year:

They Need It

One of the main reasons for giving year-round is to ensure that organizations have enough resources to make an impact throughout the entire year.

Charities often experience a ‘boom or bust’ donation cycle, with most donations coming during the holidays. This leaves organizations struggling to fund programs and deliver services throughout the entire year. By donating money regularly, businesses can provide more consistent support and better plan for the costs of their programming.

National organizations with wide-reaching initiatives are great, but businesses should also consider their local community when it comes to giving.

Eric suggests calling your local organizations to ask what they could specifically use - and when, whether it's money, food, or volunteer hours. This allows you to impact your community and have a direct hand in helping those who could use it and, at the same time, help the community as a whole.

Bolster Your Organizational Network

You certainly won’t be alone when you dive into charitable giving.

Organizations large and small are involved in philanthropic efforts, and most are not your competitors. This opens the door to all kinds of partnerships and joint initiatives that would never come about otherwise. It’s worth the price of admission, and it helps build trust within the community.

Demonstrate Your Values

Values are at the heart of an effective company culture.

The most engaged employees feel like they are a part of something bigger. But how can you bring those lofty aspirations down to earth? It’s easier than you think if you develop programs that support volunteerism as well as charitable contributions of money and resources.

Benefit at Tax Time

Tax rules are always changing, and you can only know for sure what’s out there when you consult a licensed professional. Still, charity is one of the foundations of tax policy for businesses and individuals alike. You can ensure your money works harder on the big issues facing society – while still getting to keep more of it.

Make Your Organization More Competitive

Some organizations, including the federal government, take a holistic approach to judging potential vendors. An established history of charitable involvement might be the factor that puts you over the top when you’re in the running for valuable contracts, especially when those contracts involve relevant social issues.

Attract Top Talent

One of the best things you can do for your business is to establish yourself as an employer of choice who attracts the best talent. As highly educated Generation Z workers enter the marketplace, they seek organizations that have a well-rounded view of their impact on the community.

Charitable Giving Can Be an Employee Benefit

If you choose to match your employees’ charitable giving, it becomes another employee benefit they will weigh even if they get an attractive offer from a competitor.

By keeping track of impact over the years, you can easily highlight how working together, you’ve accomplished great things and can continue to do so.

Make Year-Round Giving Easier

Another benefit of giving year-round is that businesses can make the process easier for themselves and their employees.

Instead of making a lump sum donation during the holidays, businesses can set up a monthly giving plan to ensure that organizations have access to consistent resources all year round. Scheduling regular donations helps charities plan for future programming and services.

Making year-round giving easier isn't just good for charities - it's great for companies too!

Employees appreciate opportunities to give back and connect with their community, so businesses should ensure that they offer ways for employees to get involved in charitable initiatives.

When it comes to giving, Eric says, "It's not just about writing a check; it's also about getting engaged and making an impact." Businesses can provide employees with the chance to make a difference by tasking them with helping to find the community organizations their money will support.

Make Charitable Giving a Centerpiece of Your Executive Retreat

Are you considering an executive retreat or training event?

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