
Collaborate. Innovate. Act.

Four Ways to Make Your Small Meeting a Huge Success

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Four Ways to Make Your Small Meeting a Huge Success

Unplanned meetings, impromptu conversations, and unexpected calls mean that the office isn’t always the best place to get things done. In fact, American workers estimate that anywhere from 40% to 60% of their day is spent on unplanned interactions. So, if your business or organization needs to solve a problem or create strategic plans, getting away is often the only way.

Commit to the value of a small meeting.

While putting all hands on deck to solve a problem or make a plan might be tempting, research suggests that when it comes to effective problem solving, bigger isn’t better. Increased participation and creativity and decreased interpersonal conflicts are just a few of the benefits of trimming your attendee list. Your small group can become the enthusiastic, well-trained ambassadors for education and change implementation across your entire organization.

Choose comfort first.

One of the leading meeting trends of 2019: meeting space that doesn't feel like meeting space. Small groups thrive in these informal environments. Seek professional venues that offer comfortable furnishings, “living room style” space designs and natural light to encourage participants to relax and share.

Make the culinary choices personal.

One menu does not fit all. Within your small group there will be a myriad of food preferences and unique dietary needs. Choose a venue that caters to the individual and offers healthy food choices. Look for food and beverage teams that accommodate food allergies, health regimens and vegan and vegetarian lifestyles. Give preference to those that practice sustainable methods and are committed to reducing food waste.

Select a venue with room to breathe.

Attendees appreciate room to roam. Select a meeting venue that offers generous accommodations and large outdoor spaces. Open areas encourage guests to unwind by exploring independently or together. Indoor and outdoor recreation and quiet time in spacious rooms at the end of the day will help your team contemplate their progress and recharge their minds and bodies.
Catering to the individual attendee is what the Wingspread Retreat and Executive Conference Center does best. From customizable meeting plans to personalized menus, we’re here to support small groups in making a big difference.