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Making Meetings Matter: The Wingspread Approach to Intentional Meetings

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In today’s Zoom-overloaded back-to-back virtual meetings, it’s easy to forget what it means to have an intentional, purpose-driven gathering. 

At Wingspread Retreat & Executive Conference Center, Director of Sales Heather Roose reminds us that not all meetings are created equal. 

An intentional meeting is more than just a scheduled chat. 

As Heather explains, it’s about creating a space where distractions are minimized, and goals are crystal clear. 

“Anybody can have a meeting," she says, “but an intentional meeting generates solutions with a clearly defined focus.”

The Winning Formula for Intentional Meetings

According to Heather, the winning formula boils down to four key pillars: Identify, Understand, Activate, and Invest.

Let’s break it down:

  1. Identify – First, you need to pinpoint what you want to achieve. Is it team collaboration? Goal setting for the next fiscal year? Or just ensuring everyone’s on the same page after months of remote work? Whatever it is, you need a laser-focused objective.
  2. Understand – Next, get everyone talking! Share ideas, voice concerns, and ensure that everyone understands the direction you're heading in. Remember, communication isn’t just the key—it’s the whole darn door.

  3. Activate – Now that you’ve got the plan, it’s time to put it into action. How are you going to meet your goals by the end of Q3? What steps need to happen, and who's responsible? This is where things get exciting—activation is like the starting gun in a race.

  4. Invest – Lastly, everyone needs to be invested in the outcome. You'll be spinning your wheels if your team doesn’t buy in. At Wingspread, investment means a commitment to the goal, which makes these meetings so powerful.

Why Fewer Meetings Are Better

As Heather points out, some organizations are bound by bylaws that require them to meet quarterly. But she suggests a radical idea: maybe it’s time to have fewer meetings and make the ones you do have more meaningful.

“Have two meetings a year, but make them focused and intentional,” she advises. 

After all, it’s not about meeting because you have to—it’s about meeting because you need to get something done. When you bring purpose to the table, your team will leave feeling motivated and ready to act.

Documentary Filmmakers Find Their Focus

Wingspread isn’t just about high-level corporate meetings. Recently, a group of documentary filmmakers visited the resort to brainstorm and work on their next big project. Heather shares that they love the campus for its serenity and ability to quiet the noise—both literal and metaphorical.

“When they leave here, they’re ready to get that camera rolling,” Heather says. 

It perfectly exemplifies how Wingspread’s environment fosters creativity and momentum. Whether you’re a CEO or a filmmaker, the intentionality of your meeting can make all the difference.

Making It Work for Your Team

Clarity of purpose is at the heart of every intentional meeting. Whether you’re convening your executive committee or gathering your remote team for some much-needed in-person brainstorming, Wingspread’s unique approach maximizes every moment. 

Heather sums it up best: “We live intentional meetings. That’s all we are.”

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